Headache Relief

When you think of chiropractors, you might think that they focus on only back pain. However, a chiropractor can often provide lasting pain relief throughout the body. If you suffer from headaches or migraines, chiropractic care may be able to provide lasting relief without the need to rely on pain medications. We’ll take a look at how chiropractic care can help. If you need help with headaches in Phoenix, AZ, get in touch with the Mountainside Wellness Center. Dr. John Mettham and Dr. Jazmin Torres can help.

How Chiropractors Can Help with Migraines and Headaches

Your headaches may actually be the result of problems with your back or neck. If your spine is out of proper alignment, it can cause muscle tension and strain, including in your back and neck. This strain, meanwhile, can exert pressure on the muscles connecting to your head, which in turn, can trigger a migraine or cause a tension headache. A misalignment or swelling in your neck can also impede the flow of cerebrospinal fluid.

You might respond simply by taking pain medications or using a warm compress. While such treatments can provide short-term relief, if the spine is out of alignment and causing muscle strain or blockages, you’ll likely suffer more headaches in the future. In order to enjoy lasting relief, you need to resolve the misalignment, which means addressing the issues with your back and spine.

A chiropractor can use chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue massages, and various other treatments to address the problems with your back and neck. This could result in lasting pain relief, and crucially, may prevent headaches and migraines. If you need help with headaches in Phoenix, AZ, stop by the Mountainside Wellness Center. Dr. Mettham and Dr. Torres can help.

Other Ways to Address Headaches

If tension headaches are a reoccurring problem, a chiropractor can teach you how to perform a variety of therapeutic exercises that may help prevent them. Dietary and nutritional adjustments may also provide relief. Cold laser therapy could stimulate natural healing processes that can address and prevent headaches.

Ultimately, it’s wise to come up with a custom treatment plan based on your lifestyle, risk factors, and other individual variables. Since chiropractic care focuses on addressing underlying issues, it may also be possible to reduce dependence on pain medications, which often lose effectiveness over time. If you need assistance with headaches and live in or near Phoenix, AZ, come see Dr. Mettham and Dr. Torres. You can reach the Mountainside Wellness Center by calling 480 940 7444.

Chiropractor adjusting patient

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